Monday, July 18, 2011

Honey Competitions and Your Feedback

I'm not competitive in many ways. But I must say I'm intrigued by the idea of entering some Prairie Blossom Bee Farm honey in the competition held at the annual MBA meeting. After all, the bees technically do the work, right?

Yes and no. From what I read on a recent post by Linda on preparing honey for competition, the bees make the honey, but the beekeeper must make the honey beautiful in appearance. A certain type of jar, no smudges or fingerprints, no air bubbles, equal fill levels, etc.

Mark's OCD will go into overdrive, should we attempt to compete!

This photo appears at Things Organized Neatly on Tumblr, and is of the honey competition at the Minnesota State Fair.  YOWZA!  To see a very artful photo of a honey competition, visit What Should I Be Doing with My Bees This Month?

If you've had our honey and enjoyed it, we'd love for you to post your comments online. Our current plan is to harvest again at the end of this month, so if you didn't get any the first time around, you'll have a chance then.  Thank you for your support!