Monday, April 4, 2011

A Swarm Call!

I called Mark on my lunch break, as he'd sent a text that he was going to get a swarm.

Fortunately, this time we are 100% sure it's not one of ours!

He's in Brooksville, in a very rural area.  Local beekeeper Art Potter (who helped inspect our hives last year) called Mark to alert him to the swarm.  It appears the home owner had called for Art to remove the bees from a barn or other outbuilding, and while Art waited for warmer weather, the bees decided to swarm so he's letting Mark have them.  Thanks Art!

The plan is to bring this hive to our carport area and set them up on some brick steps we don't use, then move them to the Barhams' bee yard in a few days or after we're sure they're off to a good start.

Remember these tips if you see a swarm in your yard.  If you're in the Golden Triangle area of Mississippi and have a swarm of bees, call Mark at 662-418-4422.

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